Though Catholic Schools Week at Koinonia was filled with extra fun events and opportunities to deepen our gratitude and charity for one another, it's just one of many times we boldly embrace and live out our Catholic identity!
Every week of the academic year, our school unites in prayer to grow in faith together. On Mondays, the school gathers to pray the rosary. Tuesdays provide the opportunity to praise and worship as an entire student body together. Then we have Witness Wednesdays, hosting outside speakers to join us at KA to encourage and inspire our middle and high schoolers. Thursdays give our students time face-to-face with Jesus in Eucharistic adoration and Reconciliation, and on Fridays the school gathers together to celebrate mass.
This past Wednesday, Jonathan Camiolo came to KA to share his witness of faith and God’s guiding hand throughout his life. John is a KA alumnus with 16 years of experience in Professional Ministry, specializing in Youth Ministry, Religious Education, and Faith Formation.
John came to KA as a student in 5th grade, and remarked that many of his great friendships he still has in his life, began in his years at KA. He shared moments from his youth as he wrestled with faith, which many students might connect with: “I knew that God loved me, but I did not believe it,” and how he overcame these challenges by being open to God’s grace. As his career and time serving on missions took him across the world, he found himself in many opportunities he did not expect. He pointed it all back to God guiding him every step of the way: “God has provided, and opened door, after door, after door. Every time God opened a door, it was the right timing.” He closed with a reading from Sirach and reminding our students of the gift of their lives: “You are God’s remarkable idea.”
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Day, John led our students in a prayer over our teachers and faculty present. Afterwards, Burk Ohbayashi led our students in a prayer over John as well.
Our KA community is blessed to have these times of prayer, mass, and witnessing God’s goodness built into every week. Our Catholic identity goes beyond our schedule, it enriches our culture. Our students understand the significance of offering their prayers and praises to the Lord, and are excited to serve each other with love and charity.
Providing our students deeper faith formation is an essential value of our school: Expanding learning beyond the classroom and into the world. Helping students broaden their understanding of growing in faith, not just for their current stage in life, but as a lifelong journey. We strive to do this every day. Though Catholic Schools Week provides a special opportunity to celebrate our Christ-centered education, we joyfully live out and proclaim our faith and Christian values every day of the year!