Some moments stay with you forever. Moments like when I see our students living out our mission so beautifully that I can’t help but stand in awe. One of those moments happened during Catholic Schools Week when we had the joy of welcoming our neighbors, the students of the First Children School, into our gym for a special concert.
First Children is a private school specializing in educating students with multiple disabilities in grades PreK through high school. With our campuses now so close to one another—First Children School having just moved in last year—this was our first opportunity to come together in this way.
One particular moment during the concert stood out: The last song, The Lord Bless You and Keep You— it’s a prayer set to song, wrapping our guests in a blessing of peace. As one of our seniors introduced the song, he expressed that this was our prayer for the students of First Children - that the Lord always has his hand on their lives. And as the choir sang, it was more than a performance; it was evangelization through music, a witness of Christ’s love shared between neighbors.
The afternoon was more than music. After the final song ended, our students didn’t stay on stage. They stepped into the crowd, meeting, mingling, and embracing new friends. In that short time, something truly beautiful unfolded. Polite hand shakes went to high fives, then turned into hugs. Smiles turned into laughter with every student of every age.
And then there was a moment I’ll never forget. One of our juniors, quietly and confidently, began signing in ASL with a few deaf students. The interaction was so genuine —it was a glimpse of the kind of love that KA exists to nurture. A love that reaches out. A love that meets people where they are.