The words of Isaiah have been ringing in my heart in a special way this Advent. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.”
The KA school community is defined by the rhythm of the liturgical calendar, and the thrill of hope can be felt as a charge throughout our campus during Advent. The word hope comes from the old English word “hopa” which translates into “an expectation for something desired.” In Hebrew, the word for hope is “Tikvah,” which translates literally into a cord that binds. As Catholics we are bound to God by the expectation of his fulfilled promises. We are an institution that educates our students with a goal to help them succeed not only in the next ten, thirty, or even fifty years, but to succeed as humans for the next ten thousand years. We look forward to eternity, and it fills us with vibrant energy.
We celebrate several special events during Advent. We have our Advent Day of Reconciliation, when we bring priests in to hear our students’ and teachers’ confessions throughout the day. We have a door decorating contest when we include themes
of expectation of Christ’s arrival. St. Nicholas visits our youngest students to teach them how Christ has inspired acts of love and kindness throughout history. The season culminates with our Christmas pageant, when our gym is filled with our community and
the primary grades sing songs and reenact the Christmas story.
I welcome you to join us for Mass on Fridays throughout the year, to see this faith in action. Reach out to the school office to let them know you are coming, and we will make sure there is a seat for you! Thank you so much for being an integral part of our
community. May the Lord bless you and your family.
Happy Advent and Merry Christmas!
In Him,
Burk Ohbayashi, Head of School